Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year....Fall!

Good Morning everyone. Fall is finally here and the miserably hot tempertures have broken. At least it is no longer over 100 degrees each day. Here in our part of Texas is still gets up into the 90s but it is amazing how somehow that doesn't feel too bad. Unlike many parts of the United States, we still have green grass and flowers blooming. The leaves on the trees have not yet started to turn colors. I have a Crepe Myrtle tree right outside my front window and it still has big beautiful pink blossoms. I love to read some other blogs written by people in other parts of our country that talk about how the leaves are turning yellow, gold, orange and red, all the beautiful autumn colors. The nights are crisp and clear. Down right chilly and needing to pull out their big soft cuddly sweaters. But, for now I will live vicariously through others.

As we get deeper into the Fall season the produce stands and Farmers Markets promise a return of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Just seeing a big pile of the plump orange pumpkins makes me happy. Another seasonal  fruit that ensures that Fall has arrived is apples. Bright shiny red and green.

Look at the beautiful apple. It's no wonder Eve was not able to resist the temptation to take a bite from the sweet apple. An apple by itself is delicious and can be a tasty dessert. But if you slice a crispy Gala apple and dip each bite into warmed caramel ice cream topping.'s a little slice of Heaven. If you are looking for a quick and easy dessert that is fancy enough for company hop over to the recipes page and try the Cranberry Apple Tart. Top it with some fresh whipped cream and you have a Fall dessert that everyone will think you spent all day in the kitchen.

Enjoy your Fall everyone.
Until next time......